NVC-Entry Level Seminar
Seminar offering for international (non Swiss resident) audience.
You want more than just knowledge about what is meant by NVC and how it works?
You would like to know the value NVC brings to you and whether it is something for you?
You would like to be able to apply NVC in simple everyday situations and be more aware of what is alive in you and around you right now?
Competencies that you acquire at this level:
- Taking your time, especially in situations when under pressure
- Being and remaining attentive and appreciative with the other person
- Remaining true to yourself
What you bring with you:
Openness and willingness to discover new things, as well as patience and ease with yourself.
No further prerequisites or previous experience necessary.
What is the time frame for this seminar?
The total duration is 16h including breaks, broken up into four days with four hours of working together (4x4h).
The delivery is purely virtual online using Zoom.
Dates and registration
The following seminars are scheduled, select the appropriate one.
By clicking on the word “Register” at the appropriate place in the table, you can register directly to attend the seminar.
Seminar schedule
Details about this seminar
Entry level training in Nonviolent Communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg
We all find ourselves in conflict situations with our counterparts or ourselves time and again. The way we deal with it has its effects: A high expenditure of energy with friction losses, frustration, powerlessness, more separation than connection.
How conflict situations arise, what role we play in them, what it costs us and how we can break through it are absolutely relevant aspects to see the value of NVC in our lives.
Nonviolent communication (NVC) enables us to remain appreciative of ourselves and our counterparts in conflict situations. This enables us to establish a connection that solves conflicts sustainably and genuinely for all those involved. With this seminar, the foundations are created to be able to master conflicts consciously and successfully, as you learn to translate attacks, accusations and blames into what they actually are: Unfulfilled needs. In the process, we will make non-violent communication tangible and experiential, a good prerequisite for implementation in everyday life. You will emerge from conflicts with a new quality of strengthened connection and mutual trust.
At the same time, your newly acquired skills form the basis for further, transformative seminars. These enable you to successfully apply Nonviolent Communication even in more complex and challenging situations without thinking about it. The competences and their target level of acquisition of the NVC-Beginner Seminar are listed in this document: Competences of the NVC-entry level Seminar (German only).
We will focus on the constructive way of being with each other: how can I myself stay in touch with the other person in a genuine and at the same time appreciative way? To do this, we will work with your real-life situations and gently approach what Nonviolent Communication is all about: bringing the basic attitude towards human interaction onto a mutually appreciative platform beyond the mechanics of communication. In this way, we will help you to better engage with situations, to take time for yourself and what moves you. With your needs recognised in this way, you will find new, different ways out of the conflict. We will support you in your experience and ensure that you move at a pace that makes it joyful for you to absorb and process this new behaviour.
The core competences are to get involved in the present and to recognise the needs of yourself and the other person.
Approach and methodology
Information blocks and instructional talks introduce exercises in which you are supported by the trainers. Reflection and debriefing deepen the experience. We work process-oriented with various media and methods to make the experience varied, joyful and easy. We place great emphasis on the 20-minute rule.
Prerequisites: You have read or heard something about NVC, possibly attended an information evening and felt that you want more? Wonderful, that’s all you need for this beginners’ seminar.
Number of participants: The seminar runs with a minimum of 6 participants.
Registration: Please register via this page, the registration is considered definite. Further details (including the zoom link) will be sent to you at least 2 weeks before the seminar starts.
Deposit: You have various payment options when registering: Credit card, PayPal, TWINT, bank transfer. If you choose bank transfer, you will receive the account information in the order confirmation. Please settle the amount before the seminar starts. If you need an invoice, please let us know.
Cancellation: If you cancel your registration, the following conditions apply: Up to 14 days before the start of the seminar, we charge CHF 50 for processing. From 14 to 7 days before the start of the seminar we charge 50% of the seminar costs. Less than 7 days before the start of the seminar, we will charge the full seminar costs. If you bring a substitute participant in your place, any costs will be waived. Cancellations will only be considered and confirmed in writing. Please check the possibility of a travel cancellation insurance which covers your seminar costs in case of illness.
Cancellation of the seminar: If less than six participants are registered two weeks before the start of the seminar, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the seminar. If the new dates do not suit you, we will refund all previous fees in full. Such a cancellation or postponement will not result in any cost reduction.
Disclaimer: Participants are fully responsible for their own physical and mental health before, during and after the seminar. Likewise, we do not accept any liability for objects or other types of claims.
Documentation: You will get a comprehensive documentation during the seminar.
Certificate: Upon completion, you will receive a personal certificate of attendance.
Creditability: This seminar is creditable as a training for – the certification as a trainer for Nonviolent Communication at the Center of Nonviolent Communication (CNVC.org) as well as for – the recognition as a trainer at the Fachverband Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (fachverband-gfk.org).
Seminar location
This seminar is delivered fully online virtual via Zoom.
As we will work in Breakout-Rooms we ask you to attend the seminar using your own computer. Tablets and Smartphones are not recommended.