Nonviolent communication
Would you like to learn about Nonviolent Communication (NVC), use it for yourself and thus achieve greater authenticity and communication competence in your life? Or would you also like to use these skills for the benefit of your fellow human beings, be it at work, in organisations, in your relationships or even as a trainer, with or without certification?
You will find everything you need here.
NVC takes place far beyond words - With us you will not learn to use phrases, right or wrong words. We accompany you into a new, undreamed-of inner attitude, from which everything else follows.
We understand, live and give NVC in the sense and spirit that Marshall Rosenberg also expresses (See video opposite): Nonviolent Communication is not about communication or words, and NVC is not "the four elements". It is primarily an attitude, to see themselves and other people and thereby enables a connection at the deepest level.
NVC curriculum
We offer trainings at different levels, whose curricula are aligned with clearly defined competences. These make it transparent what the training is about, where you are in the training and what you could still develop.
Four stages are structured according to the so-called "New Future Process", the new organisation of the Center of Nonviolent Communication (
The following diagram shows the curriculum structure based on the modules and their objectives.
The seminars, trainings and practice groups as well as accompanying coaching sessions take place in Fokus Empathie's own premises in Langnau am Albis, in the immediate vicinity of Zurich, Switzerland - or in partner locations.
Become a CNVC Certified Trainer
The "Centre for Nonviolent Communication"certifies people worldwide who have internalised Nonviolent Communication as an attitude, who exemplify this attitude and accompany people with it. Be it as a NVC trainer or in another way.
The path to certification is a very personal journey on which the inner attitude matures and emerges. The certificate (i.e. the attitude) cannot be achieved by "I want to achieve this", on the contrary. In addition to our NVC offers, a longer accompaniment in the form of mentoring and participation in M+A days is desired.
Formally, you need a so-called assessor for the path. This is a CNVC certified trainer who accompanies you and ultimately (in exchange with other assessors and certified trainers as mentors) makes the recommendation for certification to the centre.
Whether this path and the certification is something for you, you are welcome to in exchange with us for you. We are both on the road as assessors or mentors.
Resources Page with information on the certification process in German-speaking Switzerland, the local assessor team, as well as dates of the Mentoring + Assessment Days.
Benedikt Loser and Patricia Walker from Fokus Empathie will be happy to help you clarify any questions you may have.